Love, Joy, Peace...
Info/Prayer Card
Senior PicNic Saturday September 21st
We will be taking the church van if you need transportation.

Saturday September 28th Autumn fest Outreach ministry. There will be a AM shift and PM shift for those who would like to join but can’t do all day.

Sign up sheets at the church please sign up!
Tithe and Offerings
If you would like to mail your tithe and offerings in.
Please make checks payable:
New Covenant PHC
Mail: PO Box 1985 Princeton WV 24740

We are in the middle of our name change, and will update information when it is final. Thank you for your understanding and your commitment!
Who we are!
The Rock is a member of the
International Pentecostal Holiness Church.
"Place of Hope, People of Promise."

The IPHC prayerfully values Scripture, Pentecost, Holiness, Christ's Kingdom, All Generations, Justice, & Generosity.

We are located in Mercer County WV, in the city of Princeton. The church was established in 1915, and has 109 years of service to the community.

We are a 1 Peter 4:7-11 church. Building a Foundation of Prayer, Love, Hospitality, & Stewardship.

Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see.

John Newton

ALL THINGS! Are possible to them who believe!

"Go to your closet in secret prayer and there you will find peace to your soul."
~D.L. Moody~

"When in doubt, get the Bible out!"
~Pastor C.J.~

It’s ok to be broken, you can’t fix it yourself. All you have to do is bring Jesus the pieces. You can’t be both the potter and the clay.
~Pastor C.J.~

I had to learn to like me, because every where I went I was there.
~Sis. Ewilda~

“We have to stop trying to entertain people into the church, people are not hungry for entertainment they are hungry for the things of God.”
~Pastor C.J.~

“We weren’t saved to occupy a seat, that’s why they call it a pew, if you sit there long enough it starts to stink! We got to get up and get going in the kingdom!”
~Bishop Kevin Wallace~

“Holy Spirits giftings are for the body of Christ to be uplifted and Him to be made known. Not for an individual to be seen and heard!”
~Pastor C.J.~

"Whatever God calls beautiful and beloved make me that."
~Sis. Laura~

Put God in the correct position in your life, and everything else will fall into place.
~Pastor C.J.~

“Maybe the reason you can’t go through the door God has for you, is because of the baggage in your hand.”

~Sis. Laura~